Our platform allows you to connect with ambitious high school students who need your help getting into the right university. You get to choose the services you want to provide and the prices you want to charge. You get to pick your own schedule. Join the waitlist using an .edu address below.
Have a big midterm coming up and don't have time to take on new clients? Not a problem. You can block dates or signal that you're temporarily unavailable for work on your profile
Depending on your level of experience, availability, etc. you can select whatever rate you feel is appropriate. You can also tailor the services you want to offer
Feel a lot of school pride? Help make your campus a more diverse and inclusive community by making sure that all promising high school students have access to the application advice they need.
First off, you'll need to create a profile on our platform. Tell potential mentees a little bit about yourself: what school you go to, your major, anything unique about your background, etc. As a part of profile creation, you can select the types of services you want to offer including things like resume review, essay review, interview prep, targeted advice, etc. You can choose as many or as few services as you wish to offer.
When it comes to college admissions, we recognize that advice is more credible when it comes from people who have similar profiles. While our platform makes it possible for any two students to connect, our intention is to make it easier for high school students to find successful college students who share common hurdles. We encourage advisors to mention obstacles they may have faced in life on their profiles for this reason.
Once you've created a profile, high school students will be able to find you and request services. When you receive a request, you'll have 24 hours to accept or reject it. Once you accept a request, you have seven days to provide the service (be it essay feedback, advice on a specific topic, etc.). After the high school student and you have both confirmed that the action has been completed, you get paid and the student gets to leave a review.
As you work with more students and accumulate positive reviews, you can gradually increase the prices for your services.
Yes! Students enrolled in any four-year, non-profit institution can register for an account. The list of "target" universities will look different for every student and we want to ensure that our platform covers as wide a range as is possible.
The price that people are willing to pay will likely depend on a number of factors including things like: how selective your university is; how many reviews you have; how past clients have rated you; proximity to deadline season; etc. For something like essay review, we suggest initially setting a price that you feel is fair for an hour's worth of your time (or that you would be earning if you worked in another hourly job), and then adjusting from there depending on demand.
If your feedback is more detailed, you'll obviously be much more likely to get a high rating. We suggest copy editing to omit any glaring grammatical errors or typos, and then providing both specific feedback in comment bubbles (ex. "This sentence seems repetitive") and then as much detailed higher level feedback as possible on the overall quality (ex. Is the story good? Does it flow nicely? Does it tell you a lot about the student? What are the strong and weak sections? etc.)
Yes! We won't force you to close your account once you stop being a student. However, we also recognize that the college admissions process is always changing and may not look the same years from now. We also want to keep the platform "peer-to-peer" in the realest sense and recognize that beyond a certain age the generational gap becomes more obvious. For that reason, we will close advisor accounts three years after a student's graduation year.
Got any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out.